TVF Resource Center

California Bulletin 133 (CAL 133)

California Bulletin 133 (CAL 133)

What is California Bulletin 133?

California Bulletin 133 (CAL 133) is similar to CAL 117, except that it specifically regulates the flammability of furniture that will be used in public spaces. This includes both government buildings and offices owned by private companies that will house ten or more people. It was initially put in place to protect workers and buildings from stray cigarettes starting fires. Although few people smoke inside buildings anymore, CAL 133 is still the standard for flammability across the country.

CAL 133 differs from CAL 117 in that the entire piece of furniture must be tested rather than just a few select components. This presents a challenge for manufacturers because there are any number of combinations of fabrics, padding and frame materials that can be used to create furniture. Each and every combination must pass the CAL 113 requirements.